Thursday, September 6, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 5 September 2012

Online schooling is exploding in US

Traditional schools are being replaced with internet-centric teaching methods that could change education forever

The ever deepening mystery of the human genome

The more we learn about our genome, the more peculiar its workings appear. Linda Geddes looks at the findings of the ENCODE project

Voyager 1: reports of my exit are greatly exaggerated

Earth's most distant probe has seemed on the verge of leaving the solar system for years, but don't hold your breath - it may still have 15 years to go

Tutankhamun's death and the birth of monotheism

The boy king may have died from an inherited form of epilepsy, which also encouraged his father to found the earliest single-god religion

Lithium mystery deepened by galaxy gas probe

The proportion of lithium in a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way is just shy of what existed moments after the big bang, posing a problem for our models

ESP evidence fails key test of repeatability

Controversial claims about precognition are crumbling to dust as replication attempts mount

Could we geoengineer the climate with CO2?

The latest proposal for cooling the planet involves sub-zero CO2, Antarctica, and a whole lot of freezers

Happy birthday to Earth's most travelled explorer

Thirty five years since its launch, two images taken by NASA's Voyager 1 give a feel for just how much the most distant spacecraft from Earth has seen

Did Scott's own South Pole team seal his fate?

The deaths of Captain Scott and his party in the Antarctic may have been caused by his colleagues taking too much food from stores, a new book claims

Have we forgotten how to remember?

The Digital Crystal exhibition at the Design Museum in London explores the way digital culture is impacting our memory and perception of time

Obama's 2025 car fuel efficiency goals are already in reach

By 2025, all US cars must achieve 54.5 miles per gallon. Sounds tough, but much of the technology needed already exists

Hot face gives away when you've drunk too much

Thermal imaging technology could help identify who has had too much to drink just just by looking at how hot parts of their face are

Hail Jeremy Hunt, the new minister for magic

The UK government's new Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is a supporter of homeopathy, a remedy more fitting of Hogwarts

Sharp-eared glasses let deaf people 'see' sounds

Spectacles that triangulate loud sounds and flash them on a heads-up display could help deaf people navigate their environment safely

Net worth: Reclaiming our personal data

We give our data away in exchange for a superconnected world. Now there's a way to take it back - and grab a share of the profit, says MacGregor Campell

Organic food: no better for you, or the planet

Organic crops seem to be no more nutritious than conventional ones, and are not necessarily great for the environment either, find two new studies


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